The table below shows the prices of different vegetables in the market. Write a paragraph interpreting the data in the table: june to December: june to December



 The table below shows the prices of  different vegetables in the market. Write  a paragraph interpreting the data in the  table: june to December: june to December. 

Price of vegetables  in the market:

The prices of five different vegetables in the market in the month of june and December are compared in the tablr. The prices in june were high probability due to scanty production caused by heat condition and scarcity of water for adequate irrigation in summer. The situation improved in December  as the production  increased in winter. The prices of all five major vegetables decreased  in that month. Chiefly,potatoes and tomatoes which were sold at Rs.12.50 and Rs.24.00 per one k.g. in june, came down respectively  to Rs.06.50 and Rs.12.00 in December.  The prices of cabage and carrot in December  were confined  to Rs.10.00 while that of brinjal became marginally cheaper by Rs.4.50 only. The price of tomato was maximum in june. The price of potato was minimum in December. 

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