The chart below shows the number of students admitted into various professional courses in the colleges in odisha.Using the information in the chart write a paragraph on the relative popularity of courses with what, you think,are the reasons for it.
MBA,Engineering & MCA are the major three technical subjects pursued by students in odisha.information collected so far reveals that popularity of MBA is growing steadily over the years. The number of students in MBA have almost grown three times to 3000 in 2014 from 1000 in 2010, during the same time engineering has also become popular although the growth is not that fast. Every two years approximately 500 more students have enrolled in engineering. It was 1500 in 2010,2000 in 2012 and 2500 in 2014.
But students,it appears have lost interest in MCA which is almost stagnant at round 500 over the years during the same period. Immediate job prospect in bussiness seem to have pushed the demand for both MBA and Engineering among students for which MCA has lost its sheen.